by Nicole B. Simpson
(November 16, 2009) You are a business! We have spent time discussing the natural gifts God has entrusted to you to provide financial stability and peace in your life. We've learned how to identify our passion, share our vision with others, create a plan of action and finally work diligently to accomplish our goals. Our final mission begins and ends with our commitment and character.
You may have the best business, the most anointed CD, or the greatest testimony in the world. However, if no one knows you exist, then your labor will be in vain. While I understand many believers feel that God will make a way, that does not negate your responsibility to knock on doors letting people know what you have to offer. This is where most people get stuck. They do not want to "self-promote" a project or business that they connect to ministry. So I ask you, "What are your motives?"
When you can clearly define your motives, if it is a business, then you must promote. I would like to distinguish between the two from personal experience. As a traveling evangelist, when I began ministering years ago, I was humbled by the invitations I received and based on my naivety, I would accept invitations without discussing practical matters that have a financial cost. It didn't take me long to determine that I cannot continue to minister beyond a certain distance without having some structure. While I am personally opposed to "pre-set" financial agreements because I believe a laborer is worthy of their hire and that God will provide for me, I am still responsible to ensure all travel arrangements are appropriately negotiated. It's ministry and because I am walking by faith, I trust God will provide.
However, as a certified financial planner who teaches economic empowerment, if I am invited to a church, it is strictly business. While I may utilize Biblical principles and I believe it is a form of ministry, I must be adequately compensated for my expertise. In addition, I must promote, advertise, make phone calls, and provide references-I MUST SELL MYSELF! How else will people know I have something valuable to offer if I don't tell them?
That represents our commitment to success. The other critical component to our success deals with our character. Do we operate with integrity? Do we honor our word? Can we be trusted to keep a deadline? Your reputation as a business owner will either open doors or close them firmly. If people begin to notice you are always late for an appointment, you don't return phone calls, or you have so many excuses as to why something was not completed, they will not want to do business with you even if you are anointed in that area. I believe God deserves our best and we should operate with a standard of excellence. If you combine honorable character, anointing, and your gift, I believe you have all of the ingredients necessary to have a profound impact on the world! May the Lord bless you richly in your endeavors!
Elder Nicole B. Simpson is a certified financial planner and disaster planning expert who is actively involved in economic empowerment in the penal system, the body of Christ, and the educational system. A compelling motivational speaker, radio and television personality, and author, Ms. Simpson travels throughout the United States teaching basic financial principles with biblical references. Her latest release, "The Ultimate Plan...A Financial Survival Guide for Life's Unexpected Event" is currently available through Tate Publishers and directly online at www.nicolebsimpson.com.
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